Colorado READ Act Resources
Literacy Curriculum Transparency Click on the Literacy Curriculum Transparency Icon to view the Literacy Curriculum Transparency dashboard. This dashboard provides stakeholders a state, district, school, and grade level view of literacy instructional Core, Supplemental, Intervention programming, services and supports, the number of students who have READ plans, and the number of students who have achieved reading competency.

General Information
The READ Act requires the use of an interim assessment to determine whether a student has a significant reading deficiency in grades K through 3.
Douglas County School District neighborhood schools use i-Ready as their approved READ Act interim and diagnostic assessment tool.
ELAT Charter schools in Douglas County School District use Acadience Reading as their approved READ Act interim assessment and DIBELS Deep as their approved READ Act diagnostic assessment.
Douglas County School District aligns support plans for students (IEPs, ELLPs, ALPs, READ Plans, etc). The plans remain separate documents, but connected through aligned goals and interventions.
READ Act Facts for Parents
Parent Resources for Supporting Reading at Home
Preschool-Kindergarten Reading Resources for Parents
Elementary Reading Resources for Parents
Secondary Reading Resources for Parents
Dyslexia Resources for Parents