Hello, My Name Is...
Laura Danford

I am excited to be a 5th-grade teacher here at Timber Trail Elementary. This is my third year at this incredible school. I am looking forward to meeting all of you!
Here is a little bit about me: I love my family. I have two children, a son and a daughter; they are my pride and joy. My son recently graduated from CSU and my daughter is a junior at CU. I am so proud of them and all of their accomplishments. My husband is retired from the Marine Corps and is now an air ambulance helicopter pilot. He works all over the United States at different facilities and hospitals. We live in Castle Rock.
My alma mater is Colorado State University, and I earned my teaching credential from California State University San Marcos. I have been a teacher for over fourteen years. I have lived and taught in California, North Carolina, Arizona, and now Colorado.
I am dedicated and passionate about teaching and learning. My goal is to help my students become lifelong learners. I believe all children are capable of success. No Exceptions!
I have many hobbies: reading, traveling, hiking, and skiing. I adore animals, and I have two dogs and one bird.

My Family

My dog Carly. She's a Rhodesian Ridgeback.

My Dog Juno. She's a Doberman mix.

My bird Bisbee. He is a Green Cheek Conure.