Wonder's Reading Program:
Unit #1 -
*Camping with the President
*One Hen
*The Future of Transportation
*The Boy Who Invented TV
*Second Day, First Impressions
Unit #2-
*Who Wrote the U.S. Constitution?
* Blancaflor
* Stage Fright
* The Boy Who Drew Birds
Unit #3-
*They Don't Mean it
* Winter's Tail
*Machu Picchu
*The Story of Snow
Unit #4 -
* A Window into History: The Mystery of the Cellar Window
*Words Free as Confetti
* One Well
* Davy Crockett Saves the World
Unit #5 -
* When is a Planet Not a Planet?
* Bud, Not Buddy
* The Case of the Missing Bees
*Global Warming
*Ida B... and Her Plans to Maximize Fun, Avoid Disaster, and (Possibly) Save the World
Unit #6 -
* The Unbreakable Code
*Survival at 40 Below
*You Are My Music
* The Friend Who Changed my Life
* Planting Trees of Kenya