Week of February 17, 2025

Meet the Unthinkables

In first grade, we're learning about Superflex, a superhero who helps us become flexible thinkers! But Superflex has some tricky foes called the Unthinkables. These Unthinkables try to take over our brains and make it hard to focus, follow directions, and be good friends.
Here are a just a few of the Unthinkables we'll be learning about:
Rock Brain: Makes our brains get stuck on one idea.
Brain Eater: Distracts us and makes it hard to pay attention.
Glassman: Makes us have big reactions to small problems.
Don't worry, though! We'll learn strategies to outsmart the Unthinkables and help Superflex keep our brains flexible and strong!
Below are OPTIONAL Learning Links
Superflex and the Unthinkables Read Aloud

In FUNdations this week we will begin our 3 week unit 10 which is words with vowel teams (noted below) words with 5 sounds (dividing syllables) and the suffixes -s -ed-ing

These are the vowel team and dipthong patterns we will study. For vowel teams we say “When two vowels go walking, the first one does the talking and says its name 🙂”

We look at the word to see if it ends with a vowel or a consonant. If it ends with a consonant we know it is a closed syllable and we scoop the whole word. The small curve above the u is called a breve and it notes that the vowel sound is short. As always we will mark up any other spelling patterns we see. This unit we will add circling our suffix -s -ed -ing
Below are OPTIONAL Learning Links
3 Sounds of ed Sorting Game
3 Sounds of ed Game
3 Sounds of ed Quiz
Vowel Team Review Game
Vowel Team Sort Game
Make a Word With Vowel Teams
Open and Closed Syllable Word Sort
Closed Syllabel Balloon Pop Game
Close Syllabel Whack A Mole

We will be continue working on opinion writing! We will be using a flee map (shown below) to make an opening statement (opinion) provide three reasons to support our opinion and then a closing statement.

Below are OPTIONAL Learning Links
These are all review links 🙂
Opinion Writing Video for Kids
Fact vs Opinion For Kids

Topic 11: Use Models and Strategies to Subtract Tens
Topic 11 Home Letter
Topic 11 VOCAB:
Place value blocks
Missing number
Partial hundreds chart
Hundreds chart
Open number line
Count by ones
Count by tens
Count back
Subtracting Tens
Make a Ten To Subtract Video
Subtracting Tens Video for Kids
Subtracting Tens Video for Kids 2
Hundreds Chart Games
Hundreds Chart Practice
Interactive Hundreds Chart
Number Chart Patterns Game
Number Comparing Games
Comparing Number Values Jr.
Various Number Comparision Games to Choose From

We will continue our learning journey about notable people in history! We will be forming opinions and backing them up as to why these people were so notable! This will lead right into our First Grade Wall of Fame coming up!
Below are OPTIONAL Learning Links
Courageous People Read Aloud
Inventors Read Aloud
Wright Brothers For Kids Video
Rosa Parks For Kids Video
Facts About Thomas Edison For Kids Video
Jane Goodall For Kids Read Aloud
George Washington Carver VideoFor Kids
Most Famous Persons Video For Kids

February 17: NO SCHOOL President’s Day
March 3: PTO Meeting 9:00am
April 7: PTO Meeting 9:00am
April 28: NO SCHOOL Teacher Profesional Development Day
May 5: PTO Meeting 9:00am