Mrs. Wolf’s 5th Grade News
October 30-November 3, 2023
Dear Families of 5th Graders,
Thank you to all those who sent in materials for the Mold Terrarium. Students will be monitoring their experiments for the next two weeks.
Take a look at the weeks ahead:
All buses running this week
MUSIC is the Special this week
Please send in a picture for November’s Instagram wall. The theme is “What I’m Thankful For.”
October 31st: Halloween party at 1:45. Fifth graders should bring their costumes to school.
November 3rd: Teacher PD Day, no students
Math: Topic 4: Multiplication with Decimals lessons 4.8-4.9 and review. The Test will be November 7th.
Reading: The last Book Club will be Tuesday. Inferring lessons with informational texts. Nightly homework is reading for 20 minutes.
Writing: Narrative Writing Unit using Fan Fiction
Science/Social Studies: (Project Based Learning): Ecosystems and Food Webs